Workshop on latest SPYGLASS-DS technology held at SUM Hospital

Bhubaneswar: A two-day training programme for gastroenterologists from different states on the latest SPYGLASS-DS technology ended at the Institute of Medical Sciences and SUM Hospital here on Sunday.
This latest SPYGLASS-DS technology has opened up new avenues to diagnose and detect diseases involving the bile duct, gall bladder, liver and pancreas, Prof. Manoj Kumar Sahu, head of department of Gastroenterology at the hospital said.
“When investigations of such diseases are taken up, gastroenterologists mostly depended on CT scan and MRI. But early lesions often could not be detected through such methods,” he said.
“SPYGLASS-DS is now the answer to find the etiology of the disease which is enabling gastroenterologists to directly enter and visualise the hapatobilliary-pancreatic systems, diagnose the disease correctly and provide the necessary treatment,” Prof. Sahu said adding the new technology could help crush into powder stones of any size inside the bile duct and diagnose early cancer, tuberculosis, lymphoma and auto-immune diseases for proper treatment.
Dr. Sahu said IMS and SUM Hospital, faculty of medicine of Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan (SOA), has been the only hospital in Odisha to have acquired the new SPYGLASS-DS technology six years ago and was extending world class care to patients ever since.
The hospital’s mission has been to train doctors across the country about the available new technology to benefit patients in the peripheral areas for which the EUS-SPYGLASS workshop was organised, he said.