Technology to treat early stage gastro intestinal cancers

Bhubaneswar: Technological advancement has now made it possible to diagnose and treat cancer of the gastro intestinal tract at the early stage and ensure complete cure, Prof. Manoj Kumar Sahu, head of the department of Gastroenterology at the Institute of Medical Sciences and SUM Hospital here said.
High resolution narrow band imaging systems can now help diagnose precancer and early cancers very accurately and the same can be treated and cured completely, he said.
“There will be no recurrence and no need for chemotherapy or radio therapy and the patient can lead a healthy normal life,” Prof. Sahu said.
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After diagnosis of early cancers, the best form of treatment is complete removal of the cancer by surgery which can be open or laparoscopic surgery. But ESD or Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection, the latest technology available can do it without any cut from outside by using the natural orifices through endoscopic method.
By utilising the technology of submucosal dissection, the cancer can be removed completely ensuring no bleeding and the patient could go home the next day, he said.
“It is a very safe and low cost technology for complete cure of GI cancers”, said Dr.Sahu who led a team of doctors to successfully treat two patients using the latest technology at IMS and SUM Hospital. They had been diagnosed with early cancer.
This technology has been brought to Odisha for the first time from Japan by Dr. Sahu and his team to provide world class health care to the people of Odisha.