Cyclone Gulab landfall

Cyclone Gulab: Full list of trains cancelled, diverted and short-terminatedCyclone Gulab: Full list of trains cancelled, diverted and short-terminated

Cyclone Gulab: Full list of trains cancelled, diverted and short-terminated

In view of Cyclone Gulab making landfall, some trains have been cancelled, diverted and short-terminated. (Photo credit: Pixabay) In view…

3 years ago
Cyclone Gulab: How did it get the name?Cyclone Gulab: How did it get the name?

Cyclone Gulab: How did it get the name?

The cyclonic storm is expected to make landfall between Odisha's Gopalpur and Andhra Pradesh's Kalingapatanam. (Image: Twitter@mcbbsr) Rainfall activity started…

3 years ago
Cyclone Gulab makes landfall in Andhra, Odisha gets moderate rainfallCyclone Gulab makes landfall in Andhra, Odisha gets moderate rainfall

Cyclone Gulab makes landfall in Andhra, Odisha gets moderate rainfall

Satellite image showing the path of the cyclone and its present position. (Image: Twitter@Indiametdept) Odisha on Sunday experienced light to…

3 years ago