OSSC Recruitment 2021: Apply for 15 Small Savings and Financial Inclusion Officer posts

Vacancies for the posts of Small Savings and Financial Inclusion Officer under Odisha Finance Department has been announced by the Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC).
Applications have been invited from to fill up 15 posts on contractual basis.
The online application process started on 3 September and the last date for submission of application is 8 October, 2021.
Applicants or candidates need to apply through the official website www.ossc.gov.in.
How to apply
Registration has to be done on Comission’s website www.ossc.gov.in by clicking on “Apply Online’ button and then fill out the application form.
Educational Qualification
Candidates should have a Bachelor degree in any discipline from a recognised University. Also candidates should be proficient in using internet,email, Word processing, data analysis and presentation and must possess requisite certificate of passing HSC or ME standard in Odia as a language subject.
Age limit
Minimum 21 years and Maximum 32 years-old. Relaxation in age Limit to be as per the government norms.
Selection process
Selection for the OSSC Financial Inclusion Officer Recruitment 2021 will be done on the basis of written exam and viva voce test.