ECoR observes International Level Crossing Awareness Day

Bhubaneswar: East Coast Railway (ECoR) carried out extensive public campaigns to educate road users during the observance of International Level Crossing Awareness Day.
The Level Crossing Awareness Campaign on Thursday was observed by ECoR through various media like distribution of posters, leaflets, various short duration films/advertisements including street play.
Senior Officials of East Coast Railway Safety Department from ECoR HQs here and from Divisional HQs at Khurda Road led by Divisional Railway Manager, Khurda Road Rinkesh Ray inaugurated Safety Awareness Programme on International Level Crossing Awareness Day on Thursday at manned level crossing gate near Arugul near Khurda Road.
Informing the gathering, Ray said that “Life is more precious than your time – do not risk your life while crossing the Level Crossings”. He also informed that, trains move faster than they appear to be and can reach the level crossing sooner than we can think.